Things go a lot smoother when you learn it for life…
We all have something we specialize in — something that we can go on and on for hours about, becoming the go-to person when family, friends, co-workers, and even Facebook friends have questions. Here on this site we are four friends with a wealth of knowledge to share in some of the areas you’re often the most curious about: fitness, travel, career, and self-care. We’ve learned it for life, and you can too!
Meet the Team
Self Care:
Eva is the one who keeps us all sane, constantly reminding us to take a step back and relax. We’re go, go, go most of the time, but
that doesn’t make self-care any less important. Whether you’re looking to try yoga, meditation, essential oils, or bullet journaling (you should see Eva’s, it’s so satisfyingly and colorfully organized), Eva is your self-care guide.
Casey is a huge travel buff. Ask to see his bucket list, and you could spend hours
listening to stories about the places he’s been and where he wants to go next. He’s had the travel bug for years now, and teaching others how to see the world (even with limited time and money) is his specialty.
Amber is a career woman. She’s fierce, confident, and has the “can do” attitude we all strive for. Like most of
us, she started out in the corporate world, but she found that her fire, spirit, and creativity were better suited to the entrepreneurial lifestyle. Amber has been on both sides of the desk, as an employee and the boss, so she has plenty of career advice to share.
Mitchell is that guy you see in the gym that just exudes confidence and strength. He’s
very approachable too, and always willing to help you. Not sure what that machine does? Ask Mitchell. Curious about the best pre and post-workout fuel? Ask Mitchell. He’s our fitness guru ready to welcome you into the world of fitness with open arms.